The Imperial German Consulate
Asks hereby all civilian and military authorities that the presenter of this German Reich visa, Heinrich Badtke, a furniture maker, he, himself, in the company of his wife Katharina, born Reck, and daughter Katharina, be given permission to travel to Germany and return to Russia freely and unhindered, and if necessary, be given aid(protection).
Charkow, the 25 June 1912 the Imperial Consul
(An unreadable signature)
Executed per law, paragraph #1136 B124
Valid for one year
Description of the Passport Holder
Age born 7 Sept 1877
Hair dark blond
Eyes blue
Nose/ Mouth -- regular
Beard/ (blank)
Stature (can’t read handwriting)
Special marks: None
Religion: Evangelical Lutheran
Signature of the passport holder (the document is unsigned by Henry Batke)
(Translated March 13, 2010, by Elaine M. Beaudoin)
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